If you’re receiving an error message when attempting to purchase, we suggest removing the items from your cart, logging out of your account, refreshing your browser, logging back into your account and re-adding the items to your cart.
If you still have no luck, there are two common reasons you may see an error message at checkout:
- The address you have listed in your profile doesn't match your card's billing address.
- We've sold out of an item you're trying to purchase (our site won't accept a payment for a shoe we don't have).
How to check your billing address at checkout
You can check your billing address is correct by clicking the checkbox, 'Use shipping address as billing address' under 'Payment' details.
Still experiencing difficulties at checkout?
If your billing information is correct and you are still experiencing difficulties, try emptying your cart and re-adding the items you're wishing to purchase. If you're unable to re-add them, they have unfortunately sold out, otherwise please contact us.